You are looking for Quiply.

What if we offer you a better deal?

The communication platform that fits your business. Starting from 29,90 € / month.

Only Staffice has this

Employee apps are all the same? Not quite: You can only benefit from these advantages with us.

No frills

With Staffice, you only pay for what you actually use:
With the modular principle, you put together your employee app according to your wishes.

Favorable prices. Flexible subscription model.

Just get started: No setup fee. Without stress. Staffice can be cancelled monthly and is as flexible as you need it to be.

Made in Germany

Developed and hosted in Germany. Without participation of U.S. investment firms. Because your data belongs only to you!

Even more plus points

Connection to Active Directory, SAP Success Factors and other systems possible

Registration also for employees without a professional e-mail account

Large selection of unique modules

Branding: Your app in your look


Many leading companies already rely on Staffice

Smallest company



Largest company




The digital headquarters for 15,500 BARMER employees

Creative, relevant, target group-oriented: How BARMER uses Staffice to design its outstanding internal communications

Realize the full potential of your business

Connect your employees regardless of where and when they work and overcome language barriers. For a completely new corporate culture and more employee engagement.

  • Transparent communication
  • Valuable exchange of knowledge
  • Time-saving self services
  • Addressing target groups through channels
  • Improved employee retention

Features at a glance

Combine features to create the best communication platform for your business

Personalized newsfeed

Everyone is informed in line with the target group, because you can easily control the flow of information

Secure chat

Secure communication across the company with chats and moderatable groups

Forms Manager

Intuitive and user-friendly, you create signable forms for your app in just a few clicks


From bulletin boards to professional articles: With Staffice Boards you offer your employees a platform for great content


All contacts accessible at : including position, phone, mail addresses and other relevant information


From instruction manuals to payroll: provide relevant content securely

Participation & Feedback

Participation and feedback in the form of surveys, likes and comments

Icon Staffice Wiki


Corporate knowledge quickly & easily accessible for smooth operations

Time tracking

Time tracking

With your Staffice employee app, the cell phone easily becomes a digital time clock.

The Staffice app in video

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The basics – a matter of course for Staffice

  • All platforms
  • Multilingual
  • Secure & GDPR compliant
  • Offline capable app
  • Two-factor authentication for the backend
  • Intuitive in usage and management
  • Secure hosting, on premise if desired

Arrange demo

Choose date and get many valuable ideas

In an online demo, you will get to know Staffice and together we will find out how you can take internal communication in your company to the next level

What our customers say about Staffice

Michael Bergmann, alimex GmbH, Head of IT & Project Management

“With the Staffice APP we can finally reach all our colleagues and keep them informed. It is easy to use and very understandable. I appreciate the cooperation with ATINO very much, because they always respond to our wishes and suggestions and the APP is successively extended with more and more functions”.

Melanie Kistner, Stiftung HELP e.V.

“Since 2011, Stiftung HELP e.V. has been promoting education and inclusion in schools as a non-profit association in Hanover. Our educational staff are spread over many different districts and schools. Joint meetings or professional exchange can only take place to a limited extent. With Staffice, we can now inform, update and network everyone in a matter of seconds. This improves cohesion and closes many gaps.

Kristina Kern Managing Director MjAMjAM

Kristina Kern, MjAMjAM-Petfood, Managing Director

“Staffice has integrated itself as an elementary component in the operating process. Many processes run via the form manager and are saved automatically. This saves time, is contemporary and you quickly forget that you previously needed 1-2 more work steps for the same step.This saves time, is contemporary and you quickly forget that you previously needed 1-2 more work steps for the same task. Your support and fast implementation are also more than commendable and in terms of speed you are an ‘excellent’ fit for us, so to speak 😉.”

Use Staffice in your company – and only pay for the functions you really need.

The right solution for your plans

Digital employee newspaper, intranet for all, knowledge repository of your company or social communication platform? Whatever you want – you can use Staffice for everything.

The fastest start for beginners: The employee app

Intranet for all – also reaches non-desk workers

Digitization of work processes and self services

Social Communication Plattform