Fits you really well!

It’s a match! Staffice offers the perfect solution for every company – from start-ups to large corporations: design your app individually and exactly the way you need it!

The right plan for your business


up to 50 users

from 0,99 €

per user and month
(per month 49 EUR)

One-time setup: 99,-€

Request Staffice XS

Bitte wählen Sie die Plusmodule, für die Sie sich interessieren. Wir senden Ihnen dann unverbindlich Einzelpreise für die Module sowie ggfs. vergünstigte Bundle-Angebote zu.

Each additional user 3 €


up to 100 users

from 0,79 €

per user and month
(per month 79 EUR)

One-time setup: 149,-€

Request Staffice S

Please select the Plus modules you are interested in. We will then send you individual prices for the modules and, if applicable, discounted bundle offers without obligation.

Each additional user 2 €


up to 200 users

from 0,69 €

per user and month
(per month 139 EUR)

One-time setup: 199,-€

Request Staffice M

Please select the Plus modules you are interested in. We will then send you individual prices for the modules and, if applicable, discounted bundle offers without obligation.

Each additional user 1 €


up to 500 users

from 0,49 €

per user and month
(per month 249 EUR)

One-time setup: 349,-€

Request Staffice L

Please select the Plus modules you are interested in. We will then send you individual prices for the modules and, if applicable, discounted bundle offers without obligation.

Each additional user 0,70 €


up to 1000 users

from 0,39 €

per user and month
(per month 399 EUR)

One-time setup: 499,-€

Request Staffice XL

Please select the Plus modules you are interested in. We will then send you individual prices for the modules and, if applicable, discounted bundle offers without obligation.

Each additional user 0,50 €

Already included:

These functions are already included in the basic package.
Get started right away and add Plus modules later if required.


Finally reach everyone quickly: News controllable by groups, with Important! marker and sent with or without push.


Das “Likes”-Modul bringt mit nur einem Klick spürbar mehr Wertschätzung, Motivation und Teamgeist in Ihren Arbeitsalltag.


Work instructions, information, operating instructions and more – make them easily, efficiently and specifically available to the right groups.


The digital business card in your employee app as a QR code to scan or share – for your field staff and a variety of internal functions.

Frequently asked questions

More power with plus modules

Expand Staffice according to your requirements with our flexible Plus modules and make it the perfect solution for your company!


Secure and convenient chatting even on private cell phones.


Employee contributions, networking or the classic bulletin board – our boards offer you all the possibilities for creating employee content.


Organize all your company’s events centrally in one place – whether it’s internal workshops, team-building events or the legendary company party.


Create fillable forms for your app with just a few clicks, including secure image sending, signature option and much more. In seconds and without any programming.


In the Staffice WIKI you provide company knowledge in a structured and simple way without needing an additional platform.


Comment on news, manage comments and reply in the backend: Transform your internal communication by giving all employees a voice


Gather feedback from your team quickly and easily, increase participation and create a motivating communication culture.

Time tracking

The simple, fast and affordable solution for your time recording: Track working hours easily with the Staffice time recording module.


Combine all the important shortcuts that your employees need for their daily work clearly in the toolbox and create the perfect digital toolbox for everyone.


With the Contacts module, you can ensure that your employees always have the right contact person in view – thanks to group-based control for each branch or department.

The Staffice app on a digital signing television

Digital Signage

With the convenient digital signage solution, you display selected content on large screens, such as in break rooms, locker rooms, and much more.


The digital business card in your employee app as a QR code to scan or share – for your field staff and a variety of internal functions.


Send and receive contracts, pay slips and other sensitive documents securely encrypted with your Staffice app.


The video transcoder offers extended support for various formats and optimised compression – ideal for large video projects.

Own app in the store

Your own app in the stores: With your company branding (app icon, logo, colours) you increase trust in your app and increase employee loyalty to your company.

On Premise Hosting

Do you have special hosting requirements within your corporate structure? With On-Premise, hosting is possible on your own servers in your own data centre.

AI assistant

The AI Assistant helps you to create high-quality content quickly and easily – intelligently, efficiently and directly in your employee app.

Automatic translations

Das “Likes”-Modul bringt mit nur einem Klick spürbar mehr Wertschätzung, Motivation und Teamgeist in Ihren Arbeitsalltag.

Use Staffice in your company now

Individual solutions

Systems you are already using can in most cases be easily integrated into Staffice. Simply contact us – together we will find the best solution for your request.



Time management


Holiday applications

Active Directory connection


What do you wish for?

Do you want an individual solution?


Here you can get help and answers to your questions about the Staffice employee app, individual solutions and much more.